Happy within - Precis som jag är (tvåspråkig bok)
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Precis som jag är är en tvåspråkig bok som hjälper barn från hela världen att lära sig och uppskatta självkärlek.
Happy within is a children's book that will help children from around the world learn, appreciate self-love and embrace diversity.
The message of the book is to help provide children with the support and confidence to be happy with themselves and within their own skin. No matter where in the world they are from, whether the race, the background, etc. The book includes a diverse range of characters with the message that we should all love ourselves and support one another to be the best we can be.
It is a positive children's book teaching them to be proud of themselves, proud of who they are and of their uniqueness. Only through self-love and believing in oneself it is possible to be happy within.
The bilingual versions of this book are to help children/parents learn another language together.
This book is ideal for children between the ages of 2 - 6.
The book has a soft cover.
A letter to the readers...
I wrote this book to try to help prepare our children for the world we live in. As a mother to biracial children I wanted something that helps teach them that they are beautiful and that it is important to love oneself to be truly happy. To teach them that all children are special in their own way.
When I finished writing the book I didn't want to keep it to myself, but share this message with other families as it is an important lesson in life. It is equally important for children to love themselves and know that their happiness is not dependent on others.
This book is dedicated to my friend Elisabeth Rasmussen, who is fighting breast cancer. All royalties from the sale of this book are going towards her cancer treatment. To learn more about her story please go to her go-fund page. https://www.gofundme.com/f/please-help-cure-our-friend
Författare: Marisa J Taylor
Illustratör: Vanessa Balleza
Översättare till Svenska: Sandra Hansson
Förlag: Lingo Babies